Our Story

Founded by a dad and daughter duo - Kalokairi Co. was started by David & Abby Jones who wanted to find something they could bond over and work towards together. With Abby’s love of jewelry and an eye for design and David’s love of business - they found a perfect outlet. Kalokairi Co. brings you a modern boho twist on jewelry and accessories. Wear your pieces as if you’re on Kalokairi Island in Greece, sipping mimosas on a boat in the Aegean Sea. We hope you love our products as much as we do!

Kalokairi Co. will be donating a portion our proceeds to The Ocean Conservatory. The Ocean Conservatory is working to create science-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it. Kalokairi Co. fully supports this mission and hopes to do our best to contribute!

Find out more about the charity we donate to